Twitterfall Beta changes (12th February 2015)

This is my last beta update before I launch Twitterfall. If I write it down, it has to be true. I’ve been sat on this for too long, fearing upsetting people. It’s time to get a move on.

Twitterfall Beta will come out of beta in the next day or two. Here’s a final-ish set of changes I made since my last post:

  • Geolocation works again (though it is as quirky as ever).
  • It’s useable (sorta) on iPad again; I removed the viewport definition.
  • Added Rollbar so I can track exceptions and errors.
  • Made sure the URL saving/restoring process still works.
  • Fixed a regression where the retweet text box has loads of blank spaces.
  • Instagram previews work again; Instagram love to change their API.
  • Render emoji using Twitter’s emoji library, so they work everywhere.
  • Fixed some tweet text parsing problems.
  • Tested in Internet Explorer.

Outstanding issues I’m saving for after launch, because it needs to go out the door.

  • When performing a search, retweets of tweets you’ve seen are displayed, which is a little irritating.
  • Reports of issues with avatars loading
  • Show usernames as well as full names on retweets.
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